Example value taken from vanilla m_bloodsucker.ltx
General parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
GroupControlSection spawn_group
SpaceRestrictionSection space_restrictor zone_mosquito_bald zone_witches_galantine zone_burning_fuzz1 zone_mincer zone_gravi_zone
$spawn "monsters\bloodsuckers\bloodsucker_base"
$npc on
$prefetch Preload order? 16
visual Model of a living mutant monsters\krovosos\krovosos
corpse_visual Dead mutant model monsters\krovosos\krovosos_dead
destroyed_vis_name visual, what remains when destroying a monster in an anomaly
cform parameter for dynamic objects; necessary for correct creation of the skeleton model skeleton skeleton
class engine mutant class SM_BLOOD SM_BLOOD -
script_binding bind_monster.bind
rank 16
spec_rank Monster rank displayed in statistics normal
community What type of monster belongs to bloodsucker Taken from game_relations.ltx
species biological species bloodsucker
can_spawn_phantom Can spawn phantoms true
spawn_phantom m_phantom_bloodsucker
killer_clsids Game classes of objects from which a mutant can die in offline Z_MINCER Z_GALANT ZS_BFUZZ ZS_MBALD ZS_GALAN ZS_MINCE
material Mutant material specified in Materials creatures\medium
terrain bloodsucker_terrain
step_params Step parameters m_bloodsucker_step_params
LegsCount Legs count 2
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
DayTime_Begin Beginning of a mutant's day 22 Game Time
DayTime_End End of a mutant's day 5 Game Time
Min_Satiety Minimum hunger value 0.000055
Max_Satiety Maximum hunger value 0.9
ef_creature_type Mutant AI type (Evaluation Function ) 13 -1 - No AI? 1 - ? 2 - Rat 3 - Zombie 4 - Zombified Man? 5 - Poltergeist 6 - Blind Dog 7 - Flesh 8 - ? 9 - ? 10 - ? 11 - Boar 12 - Controller 13 - Bloodsucker 14 - Soldier? 15 - ? 16 - Military Stalker? 17 - Stalker 18 - Burer 19 - Psevdogiant 20 - Chimera 21 - Fracture
ef_weapon_type 2
ef_detector_type Type of detector used (Evaluation Function ) 1 1 - no detector 2 - simple detector 3 - visual detector
panic_threshold The threshold below which there will be panic 0.01
weapon_usage Ability to use weapons(?) 0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
bone_head bip01_head bone name
bone_fire bip01_head bone name
bone_eye_left bip01_ponytail1 bone name
bone_eye_right bip01_ponytail2 bone name
bone_spin bip01_spine1 bone name
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
icon Icon in inventory ui_npc_monster_krovosos
Spawn_Inventory_Item_Section What can be found during the search mutant_krovosos_jaw Taken from the file monster_items.ltx
Spawn_Inventory_Item_Probability The chance of a body part falling out 0.0 if you set it to 1.0, it will always fall out. If set to 2.0, two pieces will fall out.
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
fire_max_distance 0
fire_max_power 5
fire_linear_factor 0
fire_quadratic_factor 0.025
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
psy_max_distance 0
psy_max_power 5
psy_linear_factor 0.05
psy_quadratic_factor 0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
radiation_max_distance 0
radiation_max_power 0.01
radiation_linear_factor 1
radiation_quadratic_factor 1
radiation_pp_effector_name postprocess_rad
radiation_pp_highest_at 0.02
Offline Alife
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Scheduled on
Human off
Health amount of lives in offline 700
MinSpeed minimum speed to move in offline 2.0
MaxSpeed maximum speed to move in offline 4.5
going_speed 3.0
current_level_going_speed 3.0
smart_terrain_choose_interval 00:15:00
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
ph_box0_center 0.0, 0.9, 0.0
ph_box0_size 0.35, 0.9, 0.35
ph_box1_center 0.0, 0.6, 0.0
ph_box1_size 0.40, 0.6, 0.40
ph_foot_size 0.20, 0.23, 0.20
ph_crash_speed_min 100
ph_crash_speed_max 200
ph_collision_damage_factor 0.1
ph_mass 150
ph_skeleton_airr_lin_factor 2.0
ph_skeleton_airr_ang_factor 0.0
ph_skeleton_hinger_factor1 1.0
ph_skeleton_ddelay Time of change in the value of friction in the joint since the creation of the shell 15.0
ph_skel_fatal_impulse_factor 12.0
ph_after_death_velocity_factor 0.75
ph_skel_shot_up_factor 0.25
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Velocity_RunFwdNormal running speed
Velocity_RunFwdDamaged running speed when wounded
Velocity_WalkFwdNormal step velocity
Velocity_WalkFwdDamaged step velocity when wounded
Velocity_Drag velocity when dragging an object
Velocity_Steal sneak velocity
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Accel_Generic Total mutant speed 1.5
Accel_Calm Mutant acceleration at calm 2.5
Accel_Aggressive Mutant acceleration in an aggressive state 20.0
Attack parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
MinAttackDist Minimum attack distance 2.0
MaxAttackDist Maximum attack distance 2.8
EffectDistance 20.0
hit_type Type of damage to the target wound
as_min_dist 2.0
as_step 0.0
Run_Attack_Dist 3.5, 4.5
Run_Attack_Delay 1000, 3000
attack_params m_bloodsucker_attack_params
attack_effector m_bloodsucker_attack_effector
Melee_Rotation_Factor Angular velocity during melee 2.0
Attack On Move
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
aom_enabled Whether the ability to attack on the move is enabled 1
aom_only_jump Ability to attack only when jumping? 1
aom_animation_left Attack animations on the move left? stand_run_attack_left_
aom_animation_right Attack animations on the move right? stand_run_attack_right_
aom_far_radius 15
aom_max_go_close_time 8
aom_prepare_time 5
aom_attack_radius 1
aom_update_side_period 4
aom_prediction_factor 1.2
Entity Conditions
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
satiety_v Rate of decrease in satiety over time 0.0001
radiation_v Radiation reduction rate 0.00001
satiety_power_v Increasing stamina with decreasing satiety 0.005
satiety_health_v Increasing health with decreasing satiety 0.001
satiety_critical The critical satiety value at which health begins to decrease
radiation_health_v Reduced health when exposed to radiation 0.0
morale_v Rate of Moral Restoration 0.01
health_hit_part the percentage of the hit that goes to take away health? 1.0
power_hit_part the percentage of the hit that goes to take away power? 1.0
psy_health_v Speed of psy health recovery 0.1
health_restore_v Restoring health over time? 0.0001
immunities_sect Mutant immunities section bloodsucker_immunities
protections_sect Mutant protections section bloodsucker_protections
bleeding_v Blood loss at nominal wound per second 0.008
wound_incarnation_v the steepness of the healing curve (what percentage of the wound remains after healing in a game second)? 0.02
min_wound_size Minimum value at which bleeding will start 0.0226
DamagedThreshold The value at which the wound animation starts to play 0.36
coefficients of parameter change rates during sleep
Sleep settings
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
sleep_health Restoring health when sleeping? 1.0
sleep_power Recovering strength when sleeping 1.0
sleep_satiety Decreased strength when sleeping 1.0
sleep_radiation damage from radiation while sleeping in a radioactive zone 1.0
sleep_psy_health Restoring psi health when sleeping? 1.0
Eat settings
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
eat_freq bite frequency 5.0 Specified in seconds
eat_slice increase in satiety at one bite 0.05
eat_slice_weight reduction of food from a corpse in one bite 10.0
satiety_threshold If the value is lower than specified, the monster becomes hungry 0.8
distance_to_corpse Distance to corpse to start playing eating animation 0.8
Morale settings
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Morale_Hit_Quant 0.1
Morale_Attack_Success_Quant increase in morale during a successful attack 0.1
Morale_Take_Heart_Speed 0.1
Morale_Despondent_Speed 0.01
Morale_Stable_Speed 0.01
Morale_Despondent_Threashold 0.5
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
sound_idle Idle sound monsters\bloodsucker\idle_
sound_eat sound of eating monsters\bloodsucker\eat_
sound_aggressive sound of aggression monsters\bloodsucker\sucker_breath_mix_
sound_attack_hit Sound of attack monsters\bloodsucker\attack_hit_
sound_take_damage sound of taking damage monsters\bloodsucker\hit_
sound_die Sound of death monsters\bloodsucker\die_
sound_panic Sound of panic monsters\bloodsucker\hit_
sound_die_in_anomaly Sound when dying in an anomaly
sound_distant_idle The sound of idling in the distance? monsters\bloodsucker\die_
Sounds parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
distant_idle_sound_delay 80000
distant_idle_sound_range 100.0
idle_sound_delay random delay between sound playback at idle 95000 0 to N
eat_sound_delay random delay between playing the sound of eating 3000 0 to N
attack_sound_delay random delay between sound playback on attack 1000 0 to N
SoundThreshold 0.05 range [0 - 1]
max_hear_dist Distance at which sounds are heard 60
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
damage m_bloodsucker_damage
critical_wound_threshold Critical wound threshold -1
critical_wound_decrease_quant 0
critical_wound_anim_head critical_hit_torso_0
critical_wound_bones_head bloodsucker_critical_wound_bones_head
critical_wound_anim_torso critical_hit_torso_0
critical_wound_bones_torso bloodsucker_critical_wound_bones_torso
critical_wound_anim_legs critical_hit_torso_0
critical_wound_bones_legs bloodsucker_critical_wound_bones_legs
Unique abilitys for mutants. Each mutant may have its own individual abilities, or none at all.
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
eye_fov Field of view 180
eye_range Visibility range 150
DynamicObjectsCount Determines how many objects the mutant can remember seeing 32
vision_free_section bloodsucker_vision_free
vision_danger_section bloodsucker_vision_danger
min_view_distance Minimum visibility distance 0.8 coefficient, which is multiplied by eye_range, depending on the angle
max_view_distance Maximum visibility distance 1.0 coefficient, which is multiplied by eye_range, depending on the angle
visibility_threshold value, when the sum is reached, the object is considered visible 190.0
always_visible_distance 0.05
time_quant Used when calculating the visibility of one creature to another (the formula involves time, time quantum, illumination, speed of an object, and distance to it) 0.0005
decrease_value the value by which the weight is reduced if the object is caught in the frustum, but is detached for some reason 0.01
velocity_factor 0.2
luminocity_factor light factor (for Actor only) 0.6
transparency_threshold 0.1
feel_enemy_who_just_hit_max_distance the distance at which the monster will sense the shooter in any case 350
Special Effectors
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
duality_h 0.08
duality_v 0.06
blur 0.71
gray 0.5
noise_intensity 0.5
noise_grain 0.3
noise_fps 30
color_base 0.255,0.0,0.0
color_gray 0.333,0.333,0.333
color_add 0,0,0
time 0.65
time_attack fade in 0.1
time_release fade out 0.45
ce_time 0.6
ce_amplitude 10
ce_period_number 1.0
ce_power 2.0
skin_armor 0.3
hit_fraction_monster 0.5
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
speed 6.0
angular_speed 0.1
goal_change_delta 5.0
min_height 30
goal_variability 50.0, 10.0, 50.0
idle_sound_delta 400.f
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Sound_Growl monsters\bloodsucker\sucker_growl_
Sound_Alien monsters\bloodsucker\sucker_breath_
Sound_Invisibility_Change_State monsters\bloodsucker\invisible
Sound_Vampire_Grasp monsters\bloodsucker\vampire_grasp
Sound_Vampire_Sucking monsters\bloodsucker\vampire_sucking
Sound_Vampire_Hit monsters\bloodsucker\vampire_hit
Sound_Vampire_StartHunt monsters\bloodsucker\vampire_grasp
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Velocity_Invisible_Linear 5.0
Velocity_Invisible_Angular 4.62
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Particle_Invisible anomaly2\bloodsucker_shield
Particles_Invisible_Tracks monsters\bloodsucker_step
Particles_Invisible_Tracks_Freq 70
Invisibility_BlinkTime 300
Invisibility_BlinkMicroInterval 30
Invisibility_EnergySpeed 0.05
full_visibility_radius 5
partial_visibility_radius 9
no_visibility_radius 14
visibility_state_change_min_delay 1000
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Vampire_Delay 5000
Vampire_Want_Speed 0.1
Vampire_Wound 0.2
Vampire_GainHealth how many hp to restore? 0.65
Vampire_Sufficient_Hits 5
Vampire_Distance 1
vampire_effector m_bloodsucker_vampire_effector
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Predator_Visual Visual in invisibility monsters\krovosos\krovosos_xray
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
actor_restrictor medium_monster
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
separate_factor pushing force 0.8
separate_range radius in which the pushing acts 3
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
sound_tele_hold monsters\burer\burer_tele_hold
sound_tele_throw monsters\burer\burer_tele_throw
scan_sound monsters\burer\burer_scan_affect_0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
shield_cooldown 3000
shield_time 3000
shield_keep_particle artefact\af_thermal_hide
shield_keep_particle_period 300
Particle_Shield artefact\af_thermal_hide
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
anti_aim_timeout 2 sec
anti_aim_effectors effector_monster_hit_1, effector_monster_hit_2, effector_monster_hit_3, effector_monster_hit_4
anti_aim_animation stand_stamina_attack_
anti_aim_max_angle 0.3
anti_aim_detection_gain_speed 10
anti_aim_detection_loose_speed 0.1
weapon_drop_velocity 8
weapon_drop_stamina_k 0.6 IF player stamina < stamina_hit*inv_weight(weapon param)*weapon_drop_stamina_k THEN weapon is dropped
weight_to_stamina_hit 0.11 kg to stamina %
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Gravi_Cooldown 6840 milisec
Gravi_MinDist 1 meter
Gravi_MaxDist 18 meter
Gravi_Speed 33 meter/sec
Gravi_Step 2 meter
Gravi_Time_To_Hold 1940 milisec
Gravi_Radius 3.0
Gravi_Impulse_To_Objects 70.0
Gravi_Impulse_To_Enemy 330.0
Gravi_Hit_Power 0.61
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Tele_Max_Handled_Objects 3
Tele_Max_Time max time to be in telekinesis 6200 s
Tele_Time_To_Hold 340
Tele_Object_Min_Mass 10
Tele_Object_Max_Mass 1000.0
Tele_Find_Radius 25.0
Tele_Min_Distance 5
Tele_Max_Distance 60
Tele_Raise_Speed 7
Tele_Fly_Velocity 50
Tele_Object_Height 3
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
scan_critical_value threshold value 25.0
scan_radius scanning radius 50.0
scan_velocity_threshold the boundary speed up to which the actor's movement is ignored 4.0
scan_decrease_value decrease in the current amount per second 0.3
scan_trace_time_freq speed trace frequency 2
scan_effector_section m_burer_scan_effector
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
jump_delay random delay between jumps 2500
jump_factor jump factor 2.0
jump_ground_trace_range 1.5
jump_hit_trace_range 2.0
jump_build_line_distance 5.0
jump_min_distance minimum jump distance 2.0
jump_max_distance maximum jump distance 8.0
jump_max_angle maximum angle between the direction of the monster's body and the victim 0.33
jump_max_height 5.0
jump_auto_aim_factor 0.6
Attack specific
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
prediction_factor 0.1
attack_radius run around radius 1
prepare_jump_timeout 0 Specified in milliseconds
attack_jump_timeout 0 Specified in milliseconds
stealth_timeout 0 Specified in milliseconds
num_attack_jumps 1
num_prepare_jumps 0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
tube_condition_see_duration 10
tube_condition_min_delay 2000
tube_damage 1.0
tube_condition_min_distance 3.5
tube_at_once false
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
control_fx_texture act\act_controller_hit
control_fx_texture2 act\act_controller_hit1
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Max_Controlled_Count 10
control_effector controller_control_effector
Friend_Community_Overrides monolith
Control_Hit weapons\generic_weapon_controller
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
anti_aim_timeout 4 sec
anti_aim_effectors effector_monster_hit_1, effector_monster_hit_2, effector_monster_hit_3, effector_monster_hit_4
anti_aim_animation stand_attack_
anti_aim_max_angle 0.5
anti_aim_detection_gain_speed 1
anti_aim_detection_loose_speed 0.1
Parameters of a dog's behavior in the area designated for him home
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
anim_factor 50 Specified in percent (from 1 to 100)
corpse_use_timeout timeout on using a corpse 10 Specified in seconds
min_life_time minimum waking time 10 сек (расчитывается min_life_time + rand(10) * min_life_time)
min_sleep_time minimum sleep time 5 сек. (расчитывается min_sleep_time + rand(5) * min_sleep_time)
drive_out_time the time during which the dog will try to chase the enemy away 5
min_move_dist the minimum length of the patrol section 4 Specified in minutes
max_move_dist maximum length of the patrol section 6 Specified in minutes
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
separate_factor pushing force 0.8
separate_range radius in which the pushing acts 3
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
step_effector_time 0.5
step_effector_amplitude 1.5
step_effector_period_number 5.0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Anomaly_Detect_Radius 15.0
Anomaly_Detect_Time_Remember 10000
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
HugeKick_Damage 1.4
HugeKick_Particles monsters\gigant_wave
HugeKick_MinMaxDist 1,20
HugeKick_MinMaxDelay 7000, 12000
HugeKick_Time_SlowDown 2000
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
speed 0.5
angular_speed 3.5
contact_hit 0.05
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
sound_birth monsters\poltergeist\attack_hit_0
sound_fly monsters\poltergeist\die_0
sound_contact monsters\poltergeist\hit_0
sound_shoot monsters\biting\def_0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
particles_birth monsters\phantom_birth
particles_fly monsters\phantom_fly
particles_contact monsters\phantom_death
particles_shoot monsters\phantom_death
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
squad_attack_algorithm 1
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
anger_hunger_threshold 0.1
anger_loud_threshold 0.7
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Invisible_Energy_Restore_Velocity 0.1
Invisible_Energy_Decline_Velocity 0.0
Invisible_Energy_Critical_Value 0.01
Invisible_Energy_Activate_Value 0.99
Invisible_Energy_Aggressive_Restore_Velocity 0.1
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Particles_Damage monsters\polter_damage
Particles_Death monsters\polter_death_00
Particles_Idle monsters\polter_idle_00
Particles_Hidden monsters\polter_linza_00
;-- Delays -------------------
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Delay_Flame_Min 30000
Delay_Flame_Normal 30001
Delay_Flame_Aggressive 30001
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Delay_Tele_Min 0
Delay_Tele_Normal 100
Delay_Tele_Aggressive 10
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
Delay_Scare_Min 30000
Delay_Scare_Normal 30001
Delay_Scare_Aggressive 30001
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
jump_delay 4000
jump_factor 2.0
jump_ground_trace_range 1.5
jump_hit_trace_range 2.0
jump_build_line_distance 6.0
jump_min_distance 3.0
jump_max_distance 10.0
jump_max_angle 0.6
jump_max_height 12
jump_auto_aim_factor 0
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
sound_landing Sound on landing monsters\biting\def_
Parameter Name Parameter Description Example value Parameter Possible Values and their descriptions
FakeDeathCount max count of fake death 4
StartFakeDeathHealthThreshold health threshold after which fake death begins 0.6