Structure of Files

The files may differ from each other, depending on their purpose, but they all have properties in common.

Note this article describes the structure from CoP or SoC and may not apply to Anomaly!

Section definition

For starters, any information is stored in "sections". These are a kind of objects with a set of parameters, which are usually predefined either by the game engine, if it is some kind of config, or by the scripts, if it is a file responsible for game logic.

1. Section definition

By definition section is a text representation of a regular map type:

key1 = value1
key2 = value2

The section name should be unique for whole project.

Actually, it doesn't, but if you know you know

Depending on the context, values would have different requirements:


my_condlist_key = {-A -B} X, {-A +B} Y, Z

list of items

my_list_key = 1,2,3

string, number, boolean types

int_key = 1
string_key = st_some_translation_value
bool_key = true

2. Section inheritance

Section inheritance allows you to basically copy values from other sections.

To inherit a section, you use : and list other sections:


3. Using a section

To use a different section in your file, usually for inheritance, you have to include it relatively to your file:


key1 = value1


#include "base/file_a.ltx"

key2 = value2

4. Example

Let's take the another look at stalker_sim_squad_novice section of the squad_desct.ltx configuration file as an example:

faction = stalker
npc_random = sim_default_stalker_0, sim_default_stalker_1, sim_default_stalker_2
npc_in_squad = 2, 3

In this case we can notice the following:

  • Definition of the stalker_sim_squad_novice section. Works like a normal variable with similar properties:
    • The name cannot be repeated in the scope.
    • Can have different scopes, depending on the context.
    • It can be referenced if needed to change the section or simply put the information in a separate section (e.g., the meet section).
  • Declaring the faction, npc_random and npc_in_squad parameters
  • online_offline_group inheritance. Like any other inheritance, it inherits the parent's information, which can be overwritten if desired. In this case it inherits from the file m_online_offline_group.ltx:
GroupControlSection   = spawn_group
class         		= ON_OFF_S
;$spawn          = "scripts\online_offline_group"

Parameter definition

As we discussed above, any section can have parameters. Until now, however, these were just static, simple parameters of the config file. I now propose to parse a slightly more structurally complex parameter from the game logic file:

on_info = {-dont_have_info} %+add_info =play_sound(sound_name)% sr_idle@end

The structure may be confusing at first, but it is quite logical and simple. Let's start by breaking it down:

  • Parameter name on_info
  • Separator =
  • The so-called "Condlist", which will be discussed later, {-dont_have_info} %+add_info =play_sound(sound_name)% sr_idle@end

Definition of Condlist

As written above, the developers have made such a thing as "Condlist". What is it? In essence, it is a kind of block, in which there can be 3 things:

  • Condition
  • Action
  • Value or reference


{Condition} %Action% Reference


It is written in {} brackets and is needed to create a condition check so that actions only take place when the condition is met. That is, actions will be executed only when the condition returns True when the "AND" operator is logically executed. You can specify things like:

  • Check the presence of infoportion +info_name
  • Check for absence of infoportion -info_name
  • Checking for a chance of up to 100 in percent ~20
  • Function call from xr_conditions.script.
    • If the function name is preceded by =, it is expected to return True. This is exactly the same as function() == True.
    • If the function name is preceded by !, it is expected to return False. This is exactly the same as function() == False.

Example entry, in this case we have this condition:

  • Lack of info under the name info1
  • Availability of info called info2
  • Player has an item called item_name
  • Checking that it is not day
{-info1 +info2 =actor_has_item(item_name) !is_day}


It is written in %% brackets and can hold such things as:

  • Adding infoportion +info_name
  • Removing infoportion -info_name
  • Function call from xr_effects.sctript, unlike condition, can only be called with =

Example entry, in this case we have this action:

  • Delete info called info1
  • Add info called info2
  • Issue task_name
  • Retrieve item_name
%-info1 +info2 =give_task(task_name) =remove_item(item_name)%

Value or reference

And at the end, a reference or a value. There are no special features here. You can specify things like:

  • Reference to the sr_idle@test section. Necessary for some configs and logic. How it works will be described below.
  • The value of st_text, true, 10 and so on. Can be used in some configs, when you want to dynamically change the value of parameters. For example, as it is done with tasks in task_manager.ltx
  • The keyword is nil. Means "nothing", analogous to null from programming languages. Can be used to specify a value or to end logic.

Feature of use

The main feature of Condlist is that you can specify several Condlists in one parameter. For example:

on_info = {=hit_by_actor =hitted_on_bone(head_boss:boss_jaw:brow:ear_r:eye_l:eye_r:) -zat_b106_one_shot} %+zat_b106_one_shot +zat_b108_actor_damaged_chimera +zat_b106_ahtung%, {=hit_by_actor !hitted_on_bone(head_boss:boss_jaw:brow:ear_r:eye_l:eye_r:) -zat_b108_actor_damaged_chimera} %+zat_b108_actor_damaged_chimera%

This is the section from the file zat_b106_chimera.ltx. As we can see, there are two Condlists in the on_info parameter. They are separated by a comma and do the following:

  • First Condlist:
    • Condition.
      • =hit_by_actor - damage dealt by the player?
      • =hitted_on_bone(head_boss:boss_jaw:brow:ear_r:eye_l:eye_r:) - damage done to these bones?
      • -zat_b106_one_shot - no info with this name?
    • Action.
      • +zat_b106_one_shot - gives out info with this name
      • +zat_b108_actor_damaged_chimera - gives out info with this name
      • +zat_b106_ahtung - gives out info with this name
  • Second Condlist:
    • Condition.
      • =hit_by_actor - damage dealt by player?
      • =hitted_on_bone(head_boss:boss_jaw:brow:ear_r:eye_l:eye_r:) - damage is NOT done to these bones?
      • -zat_b108_actor_damaged_chimera - no info with this name?
    • Action.
      • +zat_b108_actor_damaged_chimera - gives info with this name

In this example, we have no references or variables, because the section implies that we only react when we take damage. So we have only actions and checks here.


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